Monday, April 13, 2009

You know what?

During lunch hour today...i saw three cowboys
at the mexican restaurant down the road....spring round up must be around the corner....

anywayz... my coworker and i were there for the daily lunch specials which change daily...

Today we had a drink, a chimichanga and sides of rice and beans for $6.50....very delicioso....MMMMHMM
and the price is outrageous! it must be a crime.

Anyway....these three boys...very deluctable by the way....offered us a drink......oh how i wish i wasn't working today.....

Of all days....why during lunch hour on a MONDAY! HUH??????? It's like bad....we know ur at work and can't play...but we can......UGH, anyway.....

here is to the boys who love boys in dem wranglers!

Oh another thing......
seems my coworker finally.....finally asked if this one on the side has gone to the side ...if you know what I mean?
i was like OMG isn't that like news of old.....anywayz.....
Since he's short as you think he stopped growing UP^ and then started growing forward>?
If that's the case....I sure would love to see his manhood......

See you know what i mean by 'those eyes'.......Yep very, very lovely......

I wouldn't want to be caught standing next to him tho.....He'd have to stand on a chair in order for our eyes to meet!!!!!!! LOL

Oh....boi am i ever still tired.....this weekend was one for the started out thursday....after my coworker and I got into it!
I actually went down to the Rez and was on foot....! Running around town with three of my home girls.....Yella, Alberta and Stew......You know those 30pks....we had 3 of them and a 1/5 of Popo!
I still can't believe that we didn't even get in jail....whilst walking down the main street of town...
My three friends and I were so so so wasted....another friend saw us walking at 11:00PM that night falling in the middle of the road....with our beer going in all directions.....she said she tried to offer us a ride...but i guess while intox we tried to play hooker and we was on the prowl....for boys i presume.....LOL.....of course....we're all gay!
anyway.....onward she goes and she don't recall athing....walking 3 miles via backtrails in the 'burbs until she gayly made her way to mother's.... good thing mother put her and her frens up for the night.......cuz....that same night it snowed....
It didn't even feel like it was supposed to snowl...well i guess when ur that intox...the cold is unfeelable......L
Oh by the way.....if Omarion and Bow were hooked up...i wonder who was the bottom...Bow?
that's the feeling I get anyway......
peace out biatches


  1. your co-workers are interesting to say the least...

  2. I love me some cowpoke! LOL! Yea it's safe to say spring is here. Shirtless men everywhere!
